Feel Revitalized with NAD+ IV Therapy

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Feel Revitalized with NAD+ IV Therapy

What is NAD+ IV Therapy & Its Benefits | Rocky Mountain IV Medics

You care about your health and well-being. You eat well, exercise regularly, get enough sleep each night, try your best to manage stress, and still manage to invest time and energy into the things that matter the most to you, such as relationships or creative pursuits. 

But sometimes, honing your lifestyle and diet just isn’t enough. There are times in life when our mental acuity suffers, we slip into a bad mood, and we lose our grasp on the routine that keeps us chugging along. For many, the key to getting past this barrier is using additional supplements. From oral supplements to IV therapy, there are a thousand different opportunities to enhance your life and well-being and get that extra edge you’ve been looking for.

At Rocky Mountain IV Medics, our team understands that you’re always searching for new, cutting-edge ways to enhance your vitality, making you an ideal candidate for an NAD+ therapy.

This treatment is one of the most exciting recent developments in treatment therapy. It has the potential to bring you a wealth of benefits for your mind and body. NAD+ therapy has many applications, from assisting athletes in performing their best to helping with metabolism. NAD has been shown to be a diverse and effective compound for improving quality of life.

Let’s learn a little bit more about how NAD+ helps improve your life, transform your mind and body, and even help slow down again. Plus, we’ll talk about your NAD+ supplementation options, including how Rocky Mountain IV Medics can help offer you affordable and safe NAD+ therapy in areas around Colorado.

What Is NAD+?

NAD’s full name is nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, and it’s a coenzyme derived from vitamin B3. The body makes NAD by synthesizing certain elements that are called NAD precursors. The “+” sign means the NAD is in an oxidized form. 

Now that we know what NAD is, it’s time we learn more about the role it plays in our lives. As an essential coenzyme, it is required by our body cells to create energy. But this isn’t the whole picture. Let’s talk a little bit more about what NAD does in our bodies before diving into the benefits of treatment options such as NAD+ therapy.

What Does NAD+ Do in the Body?

It’s more like, what doesn’t NAD+ do? That’s because NAD is involved in over 500 enzymatic reactions and most of the major biological processes in the body. It’s essential in keeping the body strong and functioning in a healthy way. NAD is involved with:

  • Managing the body’s stress response
  • Using energy from carbs, proteins, and fats to provide cellular energy
  • Maintaining cellular DNA and repairing cells
  • Keeping our circadian rhythms (sleep/wake cycles) in balance
  • Repairing bones, tissues, and nerves by promoting stem cell production
  • Regulating the genetic expression that influences the aging process
  • Fighting free radical damage that can damage the body and accelerate aging
  • Assisting with the body’s metabolism

We have a plentiful supply of NAD when we’re young, and our bodies produce a steady stream of it. That production, however, declines with age. Eventually, our bodies need more NAD than can be supplied naturally. NAD levels can also drop with high stress, poor diet, substance abuse, and other lifestyle issues. If you feel fatigued mentally or physically, you may need to explore different options for how to supplement your body with NAD+.

Thankfully, plenty of NAD+ treatment options are available today, from IV infusions to NAD+ injections. As we talked about previously in the article, infusion treatment often works much better than oral supplements, especially since NAD+ is not absorbed well in the gut. NAD+ IV therapy circumvents the digestive system, allowing your body to absorb more NAD to experience benefits faster and more efficiently. 

Many people still feel a little hesitant about treatment. After all, it’s more invasive and involved in your typical oral treatment. But there’s another way to look at it. Because it bypasses your digestive system, IV infusions and intramuscular injections allow the treatment to work directly into your blood. That means your money won’t go to waste, as it often does work with oral treatments where the absorption rate is so low.

What’s Involved in NAD+ Therapy?

It used to be that oral supplements were the only way to get extra NAD+. However, that kind of supplement needed to pass through the digestive system first before activating. An NAD+ IV drip, on the other hand, gets to work right away because it’s infused into the bloodstream for rapid absorption. (NAD+ injections have a similar quick effect.)

An NAD+ infusion is a straightforward process that can be completed in 45 minutes or more depending on tolerance. . First, a medical professional gently inserts a needle into your arm and then connects it to the tubing that leads to the drip bag. This IV is filled with hydrating fluids containing NAD+. You also have the option to add other supplemental vitamins or minerals. You can sit comfortably during the treatment and listen to music, read a book, or watch a video on your personal device. A medical professional will monitor you throughout the process, and you can resume your normal activities once you’re done. Some people report feeling an immediate boost in their energy levels, with a refreshing mental clarity that feels rejuvenating. Many people use NAD+ therapy regularly for wellness maintenance.

There are some possible side effects to NAD+ therapy, but these are minimal risks. Some people have reported nausea, fatigue, and headaches because of NAD+ therapy. If you have questions about these side effects, please let us know.

Now, let’s discuss why you may want to try NAD+ therapy.

Why Try NAD+ Therapy?

Aside from health maintenance, you can use this treatment to address specific issues:


Are you experiencing brain fog or forgetfulness, or noticing that your skin seems a bit saggy? Cells that are aging and growing older are responsible for these common conditions. It’s thought that NAD+ can support cellular health, thereby slowing the signs of aging. One of the most exciting research fields involves the role NAD+ may play in alleviating age-related issues such as dementia. 

Mental Health

The brain’s chemicals, also called neurotransmitters, play a significant role in governing mood. NAD+ may support healthy brain chemistry that can reduce symptoms related to depression and anxiety. Another factor essential for mental health is high-quality sleep. NAD+ can be conducive to a good night’s sleep while also increasing energy, and that can also lift your mood.


Addiction rehabilitation programs have recently seen the benefit of using NAD+ therapy as one component of a comprehensive treatment plan. The brain’s neurotransmitters sustain damage with heavy, chronic substance abuse, but NAD+ may repair that damage, which helps heal both mentally and physically. NAD+ may also have a role in detoxification, which is a critical part of addiction recovery. It can also be suitable for people with a dual diagnosis of addiction and a mental health condition because NAD+ may uplift mood.

What Are the Benefits of NAD+ Therapy?

It’s worth exploring NAD+ therapy because it can offer many benefits, such as:

  • Enhanced mental focus and clarity
  • Possible slowdown of the signs of aging
  • Repaired cells and DNA
  • Increased energy
  • Stronger athletic performance
  • A more productive metabolism
  • Decrease in symptoms associated with mood disorders, or an increased overall feeling of happiness
  • Potential support for weight loss and increasing muscle mass
  • Reduced body inflammation, which can be a factor in many types of health conditions
  • Improved appearance of the complexion, such as a reduction in fine lines or increased elasticity in the skin

NAD+ therapy is considered safe, with side effects few and far between. Rocky Mountain IV Medics is a trusted, reliable provider of NAD+ services, and we ensure the treatment meets your health goals. 

Because of this commitment, we are always available to discuss your health needs and how our treatment methods can help you address them. We understand that life is complicated, and there’s a lot of information out there. Trying to figure out what treatments are worth spending money on can be frustrating. If you have any questions or concerns, please call us, and we’ll help figure out what IV packages and add-in ingredients work best for you.

What Does NAD+ Cost?

NAD+ is affordable with Rocky Mountain IV Medics. This price is typical of NAD+ therapy, which often costs more than your typical supplements such as magnesium, vitamin C, or vitamin B12. If you have any questions about the cost of NAD+ or want to discuss your options, please call us. We’d love to help talk you through the process of supplementing your life with NAD+.

There are a few options for your NAD+ therapy. As listed above, you can choose to purchase a standalone NAD+ IV package. Alternatively, you can add NAD+ to any of our other packages. This allows you the flexibility to pick the IV package with the combination of ingredients that works best for you. 

You’ll receive even more value when you join our VIP program, which offers exclusive sales and promotions, plus other valuable information. 

Schedule NAD+ with Rocky Mountain IV Medics

We’re the leader in NAD+ in Colorado, with responsive mobile service that comes to your home, office, or other convenient location. Our medical professionals bring a great deal of experience and compassion to their jobs so they deliver the best possible IV experience. Contact us to learn more about NAD+ therapy, or schedule an appointment with us today.

Rocky Mountain IV Medics is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. Call us, and we’ll help you find an appointment time that is perfect for you. 


Is NAD+ therapy safe?

Yes. NAD+ therapy is very safe. NAD+ Is a natural substance found in your body, which makes it easier for your body to incorporate into its functions. However, just like any treatment option, it has potential side effects. Some common side effects include nausea, headaches, fatigue, and brain fog. All in all, NAD+ is a safe and effective option for IV therapy. 

What are the benefits of NAD+ IV therapy?

There are many benefits to receiving NAD+ IV treatment. For one, NAD+ is known for its mental benefits. The compound has been shown to increase mental acuity and help people focus. People also experience better physical performance, a more robust metabolism, as well as increased energy after NAD+ therapy. 

Does NAD+ actually work

There has been mounting evidence that NAD+ does, in fact, work. For example, a study associated NAD+ with improved metabolic health in obese people. Other studies have shown how NAD+ has helped people increase their energy levels, recover faster from workouts, and even lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

Why not take NAD+ directly?

The problem with taking NAD+ directly is that the digestive system doesn’t absorb it well. This means that any NAD+ oral supplement you take will likely mostly go to waste. Because of this, it is better to use IV therapy or injections to absorb NAD+ into the body. Luckily, there are plenty of safe and effective options for NAD+ treatments, including from Rocky Mountain IV Medics. NAD+ IV therapy is an excellent option for those looking for the benefits of NAD+. Consistent treatments will help you limit the effects of aging, boost mental acuity and focus, and even support your metabolism.

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