IV Treatment for Anxiety in Colorado

vitamins for brain fog

Everyone experiences occasional anxiety. However, if you frequently experience intense fear and worry about everyday situations, you may have an anxiety disorder. While these disorders affect your emotional state, they also take a toll on your physical health, often disrupting your sleep and leaving you exhausted. An anxiety disorder can further affect your work performance and social interactions.

If you have anxiety, our medical professionals can provide a Myers’ Cocktail IV with added nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) to help ease symptoms. The vitamins and minerals in a Myers’ Cocktail combine with NAD+ to help promote healthy brain function. If you're feeling anxious, you don't have to leave your couch to find relief from your symptoms. Rocky Mountain IV Medics offers IV therapy for anxiety in the comfort of your home. We'll send a kindhearted and experienced health care provider your way any day of the week within the areas we serve in Colorado.

Rocky Mountain IV Medics Ultimate Myers' Cocktail Yellow IV bag

Recommended IV For Anxiety

Our recommended IV for anxiety is the Myers' Cocktail with NAD+. This Myers' Cocktail IV package is our best seller and NAD+ pricing varies based on the dosage. For questions about pricing, simply contact us today.
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What Causes Anxiety?

Our treatments aim to provide relief from the symptoms of anxiety and improve overall well-being through specialized IV therapy for anxiety. Anxiety disorders can have a variety of physical and environmental causes, including:

  • Underlying medical conditions.
  • Trauma.
  • Family history of mental health conditions.
  • Chronic stress.

Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety can manifest differently for each person. The common symptoms of anxiety include:

  • Feelings of nervousness, tension and restlessness
  • A sense of impending doom or danger
  • Difficulty controlling feelings of worry
  • Trouble with sleeping or concentration
  • Physical symptoms such as hyperventilation and sweating

Types of Anxiety Disorders

There are various types of anxiety disorders, and it's important to see a health care professional who can accurately diagnose your condition. Types of anxiety disorders include:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): If you are worrying excessively about aspects of everyday life such as work responsibilities, financial stability, life changes and your personal safety, you might struggle with GAD.
  • Panic disorder: Individuals who experience unexpected intense peaks of anxiety or fear, also known as panic attacks, may have panic disorder.
  • Social anxiety disorder: People with this disorder have an excessive fear of being negatively judged and struggle with feelings of self-consciousness and embarrassment.

Other conditions such as acute stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) share similarities with anxiety disorders. Individuals navigating these conditions may also benefit from IV therapy.

Our Recommended IV Treatment for Anxiety

We recommend using IV therapy for anxiety in conjunction with other treatments. Medical professionals recommend counseling and medication for anxiety relief, but you can supplement this treatment with IV therapy for additional support. By incorporating various anxiety treatment options, you can build an effective strategy to manage your anxiety and improve your overall quality of life. 

We recommend the Myers' Cocktail with added NAD+ to help alleviate your anxiety. The Myers' Cocktail IV package is our bestseller, and NAD+ pricing varies based on the dosage. Our health care providers can help you customize one of our IV hydration therapy packages to best suit your needs.

Choose the Myers' Cocktail for Anxiety

The vitamins and minerals in a Myers’ Cocktail support nervous system health during anxiety disorder treatment, and the immediacy of IV administration can help deliver fast relief for overall well-being. In addition to a saline solution base, the ingredients of our Myers' Cocktail for anxiety include:

  • Zinc: One of the many benefits of zinc is that the enzymes that produce specific mood neurotransmitters rely on zinc to function. Your brain needs zinc to produce serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), two neurotransmitters involved in anxiety. By addressing possible zinc deficiencies, an IV for anxiety can support the brain's natural anti-anxiety compounds and support anxiety relief.
  • Vitamin C: As an antioxidant, vitamin C helps protect your cells from free radical damage. Oxidative damage from free radicals in the nervous system can increase anxiety symptoms. By protecting your nervous system from free radicals, vitamin C can help you manage your anxiety.
  • Vitamin B12 and B complex: A healthy intake of B vitamins may reduce anxiety and depression. B vitamins serve as building blocks for your cells and nervous system. A B vitamin deficiency can cause fatigue and mood symptoms. Our Myers’ Cocktail IV includes multiple types of B vitamins to support your energy production and mood regulation.
  • Magnesium: Some studies suggest magnesium can aid anxiety relief, and if you choose to add magnesium IVs to your treatment plan, it can contribute to healthier brain function and anxiety reduction.
  • Glutathione: The antioxidant properties of glutathione help protect cells from damage caused by oxidative stress, which occurs when the body is exposed to free radicals such as cigarette smoke and pollution.

Add NAD+ to Relieve Anxiety Symptoms

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) appears naturally in your body, and studies show it can reduce anxiety and depression. It protects the structure of your cells and helps them function. Using NAD+ IV therapy for anxiety can help support your mood and reduce your symptoms.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

You can count on Rocky Mountain IV Medics for mobile IV therapy for anxiety relief. Whether you require assistance at home, your office, the gym or a hotel, our team is ready to deliver and administer the support you need.

Schedule an appointment today, or contact us for more information.


Related Blog Posts:

How Magnesium Infusion Improves Depression and Anxiety

NAD+ and Anxiety: How IV Therapy May Offer Symptom Relief


1Can I Use IV Therapy for Anxiety as My Only Treatment?
IV therapy should be used as part of a comprehensive anxiety treatment plan that can also include talk therapy or medication. Speak with your healthcare team to see how IV therapy can complement your current treatment plan.
2What if I Want Extra Magnesium or NAD+ in My IV?
Our Myers' Cocktail can be customized with extra add-ins at reasonable prices. Our medical professionals use their expertise in IV therapy to personalize your treatment.
3What Are Some of the Most Common Anxiety Disorders?
Generalized anxiety disorder is a broad from of this mental health condition. Variations include social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia, and other specific phobias. In some cases, anxiety may also be triggered by certain medical conditions, medications, or substance abuse problems.
4What Lifestyle Changes Can I Make in Addition to Getting IV Therapy for Anxiety Symptoms?
You can help alleviate anxiety symptoms with regular exercise, relaxation techniques, plenty of sleep, a nutritious diet and abstinence from drugs, alcohol, tobacco and caffeinated drinks.
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