NAD+ and Anxiety: How IV Therapy May Offer Symptom Relief

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NAD+ and Anxiety: How IV Therapy May Offer Symptom Relief

Anxious worried woman sitting on couch looking into the distance

There’s anxiety, the kind you may feel in a dangerous situation when your mind and body are on high alert. And then there’s anxiety, the pervasive fear you experience during everyday situations when the perceived threat of danger isn’t actually real. 

The first type of anxiety is a natural part of the “fight or flight” response that’s programmed into us so we can survive a crisis. The other kind of anxiety, however, signals a potential mental health issue that can affect every area of your life. If you grapple with this disorder, an NAD+ IV drip for anxiety may offer welcome symptom relief.

Book NAD+ IV Therapy

What is NAD+?

NAD+ (formally known as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is a coenzyme our body produces so we can thrive. Here are just a few of its hundreds of functions:

  • Converts food into energy through your metabolism
  • Governs your circadian (sleep/wake) rhythms
  • Promotes strong bones, nerves and tissues
  • Reduces oxidative stress that damages our cells and triggers mental and physical signs of aging
  • Assists proteins in maintaining normal cellular function
  • Repairs and maintains DNA
  • Helps regulate our fight or flight stress response

As you can see, NAD+ is crucial for good health. There’s just one problem: Our bodies generate less NAD+ as we age. You may experience physical and psychological effects (such as fine lines and wrinkles on skin, fatigue or lack of mental clarity) as those natural NAD+ levels decline. That’s why NAD+ IV therapy is a game-changing wellness treatment. This IV treatment supplements low NAD+ levels for heightened vitality.

What is Anxiety?

There are several types of anxiety that fall under the umbrella of anxiety disorder. Here are some of the most common ones, along with typical ways they manifest in someone’s behavior:

Generalized anxiety disorder

  • What it is: Consistent fear and worry about things that are a part of everyday life. This anxiety isn’t limited to one specific issue but can be triggered by anything. These fears have to occur almost every day for a minimum of six months to be classified as a generalized anxiety disorder.
  • Symptoms: Restlessness or irritability, lack of concentration, exhaustion, sleep disruptions, and/or uncontrollable fear that isn’t rational.

Panic disorder

  • What it is: A pattern of panic attacks that can occur anytime, often sparked by a particular trigger. Sometimes the fear of a panic attack is itself a trigger. 
  • Symptoms: Shaking, difficulty breathing, rapid heart rate, sweating, and/or a sense of foreboding that can’t be controlled.

Social anxiety disorder

  • What it is: People with social anxiety want to avoid interactions with other people, especially in public situations.
  • Symptoms: Fear of embarrassment or being judged or looked down on by other people; avoidance of social situations; excessive worry about performing in public (i.e.: giving speeches); anxiety before a big event; catastrophizing (picturing the worst possible outcome).


  • What it is: Unlike generalized anxiety disorder, phobias cause anxiety in specific situations. Common phobias include fear of flying, heights, spiders or blood.
  • Symptoms: A tendency to avoid situations involving the phobia, sweating, shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea, and/or shaking.

There are a variety of risk factors for anxiety disorder, and some depend on the type of anxiety a person has. General risk factors include experiencing trauma or extreme stress early in life, a family history of anxiety, or health conditions such as thyroid issues or substance abuse that can exacerbate the disorder.

Typical treatments for anxiety include cognitive behavioral therapy and benzodiazepines, beta-blockers or other anti-anxiety medications. In recent years, more people have discovered the benefit of an NAD+ IV drip for anxiety, whether on its own or combined with other therapies.

How NAD+ Helps Ease Anxiety Symptoms

It’s believed that NAD+ can alleviate anxiety symptoms in key ways:

  • Influencing sirtuin (SIRT) activity

Researchers have found that low levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain, are a contributing factor to anxiety. A specific type of sirtuin, SIRT1, can bolster low serotonin levels to improve mood. Sirtuins depend on NAD+ to carry out this function.

  • Oxidative stress reduction

Free radicals cause cellular damage in the form of oxidative stress. It’s thought that there is a relationship between anxiety disorders and brain inflammation and neurotoxicity caused by oxidative stress. (Although scientists are still unsure if oxidative stress causes anxiety or vice versa.) As previously mentioned, NAD+ can reduce the damage caused by free radicals and promote cellular repair. 

NAD+ and Anxiety: Why IV Treatment May Be Right for You

IV therapy featuring NAD+ can offer effective benefits for your mental health. It also supports your physical health with potent vitamins and minerals. As a result, you feel more energetic and vital, and that can also be an important weapon in combating anxiety symptoms. 

At Rocky Mountain IV Medics, we recommend a Myers’ Cocktail with NAD+ for anxiety. This drip IV offers a proven combination of nutrients (vitamins B12 and C, B Complex vitamins, magnesium, zinc and glutathione) to support your overall health. 

Our IV treatments offer quick relief. With our mobile service, we provide convenient anxiety treatment at home so you receive your IV infusion in a safe, comfortable environment. During the 30- to 45-minute session, you’ll be monitored by a paramedic or registered nurse experienced in IV treatment for anxiety. And our NAD+ IVs are administered into the bloodstream for rapid absorption—and rapid results. If you’re seeing a medical professional for your anxiety disorder, discuss how an NAD+ IV may complement your treatment plan. 

Book Your IV Therapy Today

An NAD+ IV from Rocky Mountain IV Medics is one the best ways to treat anxiety at home. We have service areas throughout Colorado, plus affordable prices and VIP deals. To find anxiety symptom relief, contact us or schedule your IV therapy online.

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